Crushed Stone, Sand & Gravel

Whether you are a homeowner or landscape professional, Greely’s crushed stone, sand and gravel are sure to help you get the job done right. Our high-quality aggregates include Crushed Stone & Stone Dust, Clear Limestone, Premium Bedding Stone, Roofing Stone and Decomposed Granite, along with Hydro Sand, Ottawa Playground Sand, Screened Sand, Washed Sand, and Washed Mantle (Eljen) Sand.

  • Greely's 3/8" Clear Limestone

    Clear Limestone

  • 7/8" Crushed Stone compared to golf ball

    Crushed Stone & Stone Dust

  • Decomposed Granite up close

    Decomposed Granite

  • Washed Eljen Sand for septic beds

    Eljen/Enviro Sand

  • Greely Sand & Gravel's Hydro Sand

    Hydro Sand

  • Ottawa Playground Sand with toys

    Ottawa Playground Sand

  • Premium Bedding Stone compared to size of a golf ball

    Premium Bedding Stone

  • 3/8" Washed Pea Stone with golf ball

    Roofing Stone

  • Greely Sand & Gravel Inc. Sand Bags

    Sand Bags

  • Screened Sand compared to golf ball for texture

    Screened Sand

  • Septic Sand used in septic bed

    Septic Sand

  • Washed Brick Sand comparing texture to golf ball

    Washed Sand


  • Crushed Stone & Stone Dust: A mixture of various sized stone and stone dust, this product is ideal for use in places where a good hard base is required, including driveways, hot tubs and under slabs.
  • Clear Limestone: Optimal for drainage, Clear Limestone is used in window wells, under sheds and concrete floors, around weeping tile and as a base for poured concrete.
  • Premium Bedding Stone: A great base for interlocking or patio stones. Also known as High Performance Bedding, our Premium Bedding Stone interlocks, and so it does not shift or heave. This stone must be used in an enclosed space.
  • Roofing Stone: Designed to be used on flat rooftops, our roofing stone is available in 1 – 1 ½” Roof Ballast and 3/8″ Washed Pea Stone. Used to protect your flat roof from the elements and ultraviolet light, Roofing Stone extends the life of your roofing surface, helping to prevent cracking, blistering and other situations that could lead to leaks over time.
  • Decomposed Granite: Ideal for dog parks and dog runs, this 5mm decorative compacting stone can withstand wear & tear, while managing pet waste and odours.


  • Ottawa Playground Sand: Professionally tested for children’s safety, this sand is the ideal choice for your sandboxes and play structures.
  • Hydro Sand: A soft sand that is approved for the installation and maintenance of power, telephone and internet wires in the ground, as well as gas lines.
  • Screened Sand: Natural Screened Sand makes an affordable clean fill solution.
  • Washed Sand: This finely textured sand is often used under swimming pool liners.
  • Eljen Sand (washed): Approved for Eljen Systems, this sand provides an additional filtration, helping to prevent saturated conditions.
  • Septic Sand: Sand approved for conventional septic beds.
  • Brick Sand: Sometimes known as masonry sand, this fine sand contains no traces of clay and mixes well with cement for bricklaying.
  • Concrete Sand: Not just for concrete, this sand has many uses including septic, bedding pipes and filling joints.